I had forgotten the feeling of freedom of jumping in the car with a good playlist, my hands firm on the steering wheel, and singing at the top of my lungs on my way to you. I had forgotten how much happiness can fit in 450 kilometers when you are the final destination.
I had forgotten the urge of my index fingertip yearning for the shutter of my camera around every corner, as if my brain, overwhelmed with your beauty and aware that we will soon hit the road again, wanted to somehow preserve you and take you back home with us.
This visit was a little more difficult than usual...but you never disappoint me. You always cheer me up. You are always there for me.
My dear Donosti. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to come back this time. But here I am, back in your streets. Back in your arms. Breathing you. Embracing everything you always give me... writing, also after too long a while without doing it. That's how much good you do to me. And for that, I thank you.
Always yours...